One of the best ways to offset the rising cost of living is to have roommates help share the cost. For some, having multiple roommates means that there is just a fraction of the cost that you’re responsible for each month. One expense that you probably weren’t planning on, however, is renter’s insurance. Since you’re splitting everything else, you may wonder if you should split this, too.
Do I Need My Own Renter’s Insurance Policy?
The short answer is yes, especially if you aren’t in a committed relationship with any of your roommates. If everyone lives separately and has separate property that they bring into the home and use, then you all need your own policy.
Personal Property Coverage
If you are in a committed relationship with one of your roommates and share property, you can consider getting a shared renter’s insurance policy and name both of you on the policy. However, the renter’s insurance policy must outline all personal property. This means that anything that you own specifically should be under your policy.
Liability Coverage
In cases where liability could be a factor, it’s a good idea to have your own renter’s insurance policy for each roommate. The truth is that some roommates have their own friends and guests that come over. You may not even be home when an event takes place, and your roommate is found liable. In this case, they would not be able to claim on your policy but on their own policy to get financial assistance with the damages.
If you are in the Napa, CA area and want more information on renter’s insurance, contact us today. Our agents at Wine Valley Insurance Services are here to assist you with your own personal renter’s insurance policy for your protection.